**Thank you Marketplace Homes for sponsoring me for Brandcation: Blog Cabin. If you think you can’t move, think again and contact Marketplace Homes!
Or are they?
After three fun filled and very long days at Brandcation visiting Dixie Stampede, Dollywood, Lumberjack Feud, The Titanic Museum, CLIMB Works Canopy Ziplining and Hollywood Wax Museum we decided to hang out at the cabin and party it up, 80’s style! Some of us graduated in the 80’s, while others of us were just born. So it was really fun to see everyone’s interpretation of the 80’s based on what they wore, how they did their make-up and styled their hair.
For me, I wanted to dress as Where’s Waldo and run around the party and get in every picture possible! How funny would that have been to look at everyone’s pictures and see Waldo in each one?!? But I didn’t get that costume together in time so I went a completely different route. The one thing I couldn’t wait to do was crimp my hair! I know that sounds weird, but at 31 years old…I have NEVER crimped my hair before! I have to say, I think I rocked the look! In fact, I’m going to buy me a crimper on Amazon and bring back the crimped hair look!
Flashy Blinky Lights sponsored our party and it sure was fun running around with blinky rings on, glo-sticks around our neck and flashy martini glasses filled with the drinks of our choice!
80’s music was blaring, people were laughing…it was a nice end to a wonderful few days. While I was glad to be going home to my family…I miss each and every single one of the ladies I met that weekend and truly cannot wait until the next time we can all hang out together again!
*Thank you Flashy Blinky Lights for sponsoring our 80’s party. It was a totally, radical time!
Oh my I actually remember the cell phones of back then. I remember walking in a rather posh town with a friend and I could not believe that someone would walk around and talk on the phone like that. How wrong I was. Times have changed.