No really…I am! I would show you a picture, but I am too ashamed to show how high I let my laundry pile get. If the laundry mat wasn’t so darn expensive, I’d probably bag up everything and sit there for a couple hours tomorrow to get it all done. But I don’t really want to spend the money. So instead, I will be sitting her all day long doing laundry (and probably into the evening as well).
I was talking to a friend of mine today and she made the comment that she wishes she had a second washing machine. I thought about it for a minute and I actually just need an extra dryer. The drying of the clothes is what takes the longest. If I do a load of laundry, put it in dryer #1, I can do another load of laundry and put it in dryer #2. While those two are drying, I can do a third load of laundry and by the time that load is done, dryer #1 should be finished drying. It would be perfect!
Yes, I realize if I would just stay on top of the laundry, I wouldn’t need to be dreaming about having a second dryer, but let’s face it…I’m busy. Every week I’m volunteering at the elementary school (sometimes twice a week). Besides that, I have all of my normal day to day activities, which include going to the gym. I try to schedule everything around making it to the gym. I learned early on that if you don’t make something a priority, it will never happen.
I do have a pretty good system for the laundry (when I stick to it). Each kid has a plastic hamper in their room. When it gets full (or the run out of jeans), I take the hamper down and throw the load of clothes in the wash. Ideally, I would fold the clothes immediately and put them away, but lately that hasn’t been happening. What kinds of things do you do to stay on top of the laundry in your house? I’m always open for suggestions on how to make my laundry situation a better one!
Oh and by the way, if you are a blogger, this post is courtesy of the Fairy Hobmother! Comment below and maybe, just maybe…the Fairy Hobmother will pay you a visit!!!
Laundry is a nightmare in my household! I need to get two more hampers because mine and my daughters are both falling apart. Tomorrow will be my laundry catch up day. I agree about the second dryer, too!
I can relate! I have no problem washing…it’s the folding and putting away that gets me every time.
I don’t mind folding…I watch 90210 while I do it…but I hate putting the clothes away so I’ve decided that my kids will put their own clothes away. They hate it, but it works.
I bet if you had taken a picture and compared it to my laundry pile, mine would have won. I have SIX LOADS OF LAUNDRY to fold and put away and about 4 more loads to wash. I’m usually on top of it but this flu has had me down and completely out. No laundry here until maybe tomorrow. Maybe.
I don’t have any set “rule” but I try to do 1-2 loads every day. That’s not to say it happens like that, but every day, that is my goal. By the end of the week, I’ve done about 5 loads of laundry. (Towels, sheets, kids whites & darks, parent whites & darks.) Some weeks the sheets get skipped, but i am not perfect!
My solution is to be so incompetent that my OCD husband insists on taking over the job. He works!
When I was single, I found doing a load of towels or sheets during the week actually helped with the pile up. I do not like to do all the laundry in one day. It is overwhelming then.
Also wanted to add that folding is a little easier now that the son is required to fold his own clothes. One day he complained about how his dad did not fold and put away his karate uniform right. He was down right rude and disrespectful about it. So his punishment for the attitude is to now fold and put away all of his clothes. We are waiting for the daughter to mouth off now so we do not have to fold and put away her clothes too. LOL
I also have my kids involved. 9 and 8 year olds that hang up their own shirts and sweatshirts on hangers and fold their pj’s and pants. Then at least I have to only do mine and my hubby’s… maybe I should have him put away his clothes too, LOL! (though he is the easiest because all his work pants go to the dry cleaners! ;p)