My husband travels A LOT. Not just a day here or there…we’re talking every single day of the week…every week in a month. I would be lying if I said it was no big deal. Aside from the stress of having everything with the kids and the house fall on my shoulders, it’s just plain lonely. I found myself getting really depressed. Sure the kids keep me very busy, but it’s those nights where they are in bed and I am sitting here alone watching episode after episode of Boy Meets World, that it gets to me.
So as we were driving to our restaurant on our anniversary, I said:
“You know, I need a cat. At least then I will have something keeping me company at night”
He laughed at me and I figured it fell on deaf ears…until I got a text a week ago with a picture of two little kittens; one gray kitten and one orange kitten. I think I texted “are you kidding me?” back to him, but my heart was beating fast. These little kittens were adorable!
I was instantly in love with the little girl on the right! But I still couldn’t believe that he was serious. He’s not a pet person and doesn’t really care for cats (or so he says!). I said started to say no, but he told me that he is fine with it, especially if it will make me happy. But here’s the kicker…Dan was in North Carolina for work! So he had to live with this kitten in his hotel (pet safe hotel) for the next five days and then he made the 10.5 hour drive home with her! She did great in the car. He got a tiny litter box that fit in her carrier and he gave her water. He stopped a bunch of times and offered her food, etc. So long as she could see him while he drove, she was pretty good in the car.
At first I was not going to tell Zachary and Bella. I thought it would be fun to surprise them, but I couldn’t keep it a secret. Bella started crying in the car because a cat is all she’s ever wanted. Zack just smiled! But then came the discussion about names. I made it CLEAR to the kids that I had the final say on names. Thankfully I said that because Bella wanted to name her “Cutie” and Zack wanted to name her “Party Kitty”. We finally all sat down and searched the Humane Society site to get ideas for a name. We settled on Roxie!
She is just perfect! Though, I am not used to having such a young kitten. My hands and feet are all scratched up. But that’s OK! I am absolutely in love with this little kitten! She is definitely a fun addition to our family!
Awwww! Roxie is just too cute. I laughed at the name “Cutie” because that’s what my 7 yo daughter uses all the time for pet names when she’s playing Littlest Pet Shop 🙂
Also, how awesome is Dan to drive a kitten home for 10.5 hours just for you!
So cute! I love cats – had them most of my life. Alas, the house is cat-free right now. Someday, when my kids are older (and won’t torture the poor thing), I will definitely get another cat. Enjoy your new family member!
Oh my goodness, she’s so fluffy and adorable! I love her name too!
Sooo Adorable! I am horribly allergic to cats but they are my favorite animals.