*This post was sponsored by Lunchbox. All opinions are 100% my own.
My husband travels a lot for work. I’d be lying if I said I liked it. Because I don’t. One night last May I said to him jokingly (or not so jokingly…) that a cat would make me happy because the evenings when the kids are in bed and he is in another state are so lonely. A couple weeks later he was in North Carolina for work and I was at my son’s parent meeting for football when I started getting texts from my husband…
And we got one! This little kitten lived in my husbands hotel room with him for a week and then he drove it home from North Carolina to Michigan! That’s true love right there folks! The kids and I decided to name her Roxie and we became fast friends!
As much as I love my cat and can’t imagine our house without her, I can’t say I love carrying the cat litter in from the car. It seems that I am always buying litter when my husband is out of town. Trying to carry a 42 lb bag of litter into the house and up the stairs is crazy!
What if I told you that heavy containers of litter are a thing of the past? I’m serious! Tidy Cats® has a new Lightweight 24/7 Performance® litter that is 50% lighter than the leading scooping litter. Sound too good to be true? See for yourself:
So…what do you think?!? Looks great doesn’t it? You can pick up the new Tidy Cats® Lightweight 24/7 Performance® litter at your local Walmart store! Next time you’re out, check it out! I’d love to hear what you think! I know what’s on my shopping list for tomorrow! Oh and by the way, take a look at the picture below, the container of litter has two handles. That is something I haven’t seen before, but I think it absolutely pure genius on Tidy Cats® part! Not only is the litter lighter, but it is MUCH easier to pour too. Hats off to you, Tidy Cats®!
Your Roxie is ADORABLE—may you have years and years of love and laughs with this newest member of your family! Kitties ARE the best!
Thank you!! I just love her!