My friend Lynsey, from Moscato Mom, shared a site on Facebook that has 30 different things that kids need to know about their parents, asking if anyone wanted to participate. I was definitely in. If you are one of those people that has to skip to the end of the book to see what happens, you can go here to see the 30 different things. But, if you are the type that likes to be surprised, my goal is to do this every Wednesday! So sit back and learn and enjoy my randomness!
20 Random Facts about Myself
- I really want a purple streak in my hair.
- I was a competitive swimmer from around 7 years old until 18 years old, yet I am scared of water. Figure that one out!
- The Winter Olympic’s are rather boring to me.
- I could eat Mexican food every single day.
- If I was stranded on a deserted island, I would want to have that guy that can survive in any situation, I think his name is Bear. Sorry hubby…Bear’s coming with me.
- I freak out if I am late to anything. Fashionably late is not something I know how to do.
- When I see a parent excited for their kid, it makes me cry.
- I really don’t understand how anyone under the age of 80 would want to marry Hugh Hefner.
- 90’s on 9 is my favorite station EVER.
- I don’t understand the rings that cover your entire finger. How is that comfortable?
- I rarely wear make-up. But if I had to pick something to wear every day, I would choose mascara.
- Really don’t understand defense lawyers. If they are guilty and you know they’re guilty, how can you defend them?
- My most favorite wedding gift was a toaster oven.
- When I feel like I’m backed in a corner, I cry.
- I do not understand tapered pants. Do they look good on anyone?
- I really like watching the Kardashian’s, but I often wonder, why are they famous again?
- Mustard makes me gag and throw up.
- My first celebrity crush that I can remember having was Kurt Cameron…but he turned out to be a freak.
- If I could have another kid, I think I would go with the celebrity baby naming trend and name him or her, Taco.
- I can sing all the words to the Fresh Prince of Bel Air
#7 Gets me too. Something random…I’ve only had long hair 4 times in 33 years.
Haha, I love that you would name a child Taco. That is awesome.