Take a little peak down below. Now that I have your attention, that lovely picture above is part of a book called Hands On: A MANual for Getting the Job Done by Susan Anderson.
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About the Book
Perfectly suited for anyone who needs a hand around the house, this titillating how-to-manual is told from the perspective of a group of hunky handymen. featuring 10 easy-to-follow home improvement projects with instructions, dozens of photos and plenty of eye-candy between the covers, Hands On: A MANual for Getting the Job Done
is the perfect gift for a housewarming, baby shower, bachelorette party or Mother’s Day. They also make great stocking stuffers.
I really like the book, for obvious reasons! But, being serious now, it does have some really great tips like, how to start a fire in the fireplace. I’ve never started a fire, I doubt I ever will, but I can if I absolutely have to! Did you know that if you spill red wine on the carpet, you can pour white wine over top of it to get the stain out? Yea, I did too. But what I didn’t know is that you can also pour table salt over the stain and then take a rag with club soda on it and lift the stain out!
I’ve read other household “how to” books, but they’re boring. This book is to the point, has tips I could actually use AND let’s face it, I would much rather look at some hot, shirtless man than a grandma in an apron!
About the Author
Susan Anderson is a fine art and commercial photographer who shot the bestselling Porn for Women series–can you imagine that work environment? I bet she loves going to work every day! Her work has been published in Los Angeles, Playboy, and Glamour magazine. She lives in Los Angeles, California.
I think I need this book for all of my girlfriends. Sounds like perfect book club material!! 🙂