In the past, I’ve put together a bucket list of like 100 things I wanted to do before I die. I looked over that list and realized half are things I would never do. For example, skydiving. I will never do that…so why is it on my list? Is it because it’s one of those things that are on EVERYONE’s bucket list? Because lets face it…I’ll never jump out of a perfectly good plane. Shoot, I hate getting on a plane to travel somewhere, let alone jump out of it! So rather than think long term, I’m thinking for this year only. What I want to accomplish in 2015!

Image used with permission
- I want to write a book. I’ve said this for years, but this time I mean it. I want 2015 to be the year that I write a book and I want to get that book published. More than anything, I want to be a Young Adult or Children’s book author.
- This year, I would like to travel somewhere with just my husband. Either Las Vegas or on a cruise. I went on a cruise last year and it was the most fun I have ever had. All I kept thinking was how I want to do this with my husband some day!
- One of the biggest things I want to do is purge my house, especially the basement, and reorganize EVERY room. Major purging needs to happen in here. I sometimes feel like I’m drowning with all of our stuff. I want 2015 to be the year that it all stops.
- Young Living Oils was something I started using in 2014…in 2015, I want to rid my house of all chemicals and use essential oils for everything. I’ve seen the benefits it’s had on my life! If you would like to know more about essential oils, please don’t hesitate to ask!!
- Last year I went on a press trip to Northern Michigan…this year I would like to take my kids to Petoskey. I think they would have a BLAST looking for Petoskey stones!! If you haven’t been to Northern Michigan, you’re really missing out! #PureMichigan
- I really enjoy cooking. So…in 2015, I would like to really get in the habit of making a meal plan and sticking to it. Even if that means cooking ahead. Family dinners are very important to me and I want to get back to having them.
- Board games are something my husband, kids and I really playing. I would like to start a monthly game night with friends and family.
- The last item on my bucket list for 2015 is to take more time for ME this year. I get very overwhelmed with life and everything that I am doing with and for the kids and for my husband that I often times forget about me. Not this year! This year I will take time for me!
So there you have it…my bucket list for this year. What about you…what is on your 2015 bucket list?
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