When I was in middle school and high school, I started reading the Sweet Valley High books. I was addicted! In the books, one of the characters had a special spot where she would read and write. It was under a HUGE branch of a pine tree. We actually had a pine tree in our yard and I would try to lift the branches up to see if I could sit under it, but it was not as big as what was described in the book…plus there was bugs and pine needles falling all over me. So not as great as the character in the book described!
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And then one day I was looking at a magazine and I saw the COOLEST reading area. It is a circular bookshelf with a seat on the inside of the circle. I’m trying to talk my husband into getting it…I don’t know where it would go…but it is just so cool!
![Image used with permission](https://goddessinthehouse.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Circular-Library-With-Seating-Solution-By-Thomas-Mills.jpg)
Image used with permission
I don’t need it to light up or anything, but how awesome (and comfortable) would that be?!?
However, let’s face it…the pine tree idea didn’t work out too well and as much as I would like the circular bookshelf, it’s not all that practical for the house we live in right now, but all of that doesn’t matter because I have the perfect spot to read. In my living room while relaxing in my dads chair. I’ve always liked sitting in my living room. Something about the dark green walls makes it very comfortable and now that I have my dads comfortable leather recliner, it makes the perfect spot to sit and read! Especially since I have my Kindle Paperwhite!
It is cool. I think it would be cool if you had a game room that you could put it in.
My seven year old just got a Kindle e-reader and loves it. We put FreeTime Unlimited on it and there are so many books. She needs a fun reading spot now!
That is such a wonderful reading nook. I don’t have anywhere to put it but if you had a gazebo it would be perfect there. When I was a little girl, we had three large china berry trees in our yard. My two younger brothers and I each claimed one as our own, and climbed up in them as far as we could. Some days we were pirates sailing the sea, some days we were Columbus with the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. But most days, I was up there reading a book. I was literally in heaven!
I would love to have a reading area like that in my home….although the chair in your living room sounds pretty great too!