The thought of giving up sugar can be very intimidating. When I tell you that I was addicted to sugar, I was more than addicted. It was no different that someone being addicted to drugs. I had to have sugar and I had to have it every single day. My mood changes had a lot to do with whether or not I had sugar that day or not. I was, by every definition, addicted to sugar and an emotional eater. That is a dangerous combination. Thats why my Keto diet success story means so much to me. It’s also why I want to share my tips and tricks with you. You can succeed with the Keto diet!
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How Addicted to Sugar was I?
When I tell you I was addicted, I’m not joking around. I would drink 32 oz. Slurpees every single day. Do you know how much sugar is in a 32 oz. Slurpee? Over 115 grams of sugar! Insane! As if that wasn’t bad enough, I also ate a candy bar every single time I set foot in a store or gas station. I justified all that by saying, “well I don’t keep junk food in the house”. Which was true. I didn’t keep it in the house, for the most part. I was just buying it daily and bringing it home with me. Totally not the same thing, yet it is!
Share these Keto diet success story tips and tricks now!Click To TweetEmotional eating was something I was really good at. Something would make me upset and I would instantly turn to food. The sugarier and carb-ier (not a word, but I’m making it one!), the better. My brain had been trained to associate carbs and sugar with feelings of happiness. As a result, my weight went up and up, but my mood was never really improved. It was a vicious cycle that I was stuck in.
Feel Sad –> Eat Sugar –> Feel (temporarily) Happy –> CRASH, then Repeat
At my heaviest, I weighed 250 lbs. I don’t know if I ever said that out loud before, but it’s true. Clothes shopping was something I did not enjoy. Nothing ever fit right, or it had no shape that just made me look even bigger. When I heard about the Keto diet, I was afraid to try it. Eat fat? That went against every thing I’ve ever heard about dieting. I actually held off trying it for about six months. But, in January of 2016, I reached my breaking point.
I told myself that I would give the diet a try. I weighed myself every single day for about three months because I was so afraid of this diet not working for me, that I figured if I weighed myself every day, then I would know if I started to gain and I could stop. Guess what happened?!? Weight started melting off me. My body started changing drastically. Now, over a year later, I am down 82 lbs. and very close to my goal weight!
Keto Diet Success Tips and Tricks
First things first, you NEED to use My Fitness Pal. If you are following the Keto diet, you need to track your fat, protein and carb macros. If you don’t, you will NOT succeed. I don’t care what anyone tells you…you won’t. Keto is a delicate balance between those three macros. Look for me on My Fitness Pal and send me a friend request. My name is ImLeah525. Also, figure out your macros using this Keto macro calculator.
Secondly, you need to be all in. I know some diets have cheat days. There are no cheat days with this diet. This diet is a true lifestyle change. If you choose to cheat, you need to understand that you will gain. Why? For starters, once you remove all the sugar from your diet, your body stops craving the sugar and other foods. Which is great! However, when you have a cheat day, your brain says “HEY! I remember this” and then all those cravings come back and you will consume more of that sugary treat than you meant to and sometimes for more than just that day. You are essentially starting the Keto diet over after that.
Third, don’t try to find a bunch of substitutes for those sugary foods you are giving up. If you spend all your time trying to find out how you can still have the cake you are giving up, you are going to end up struggling. In my experience, a lot of my Keto diet success is in getting my mind in the right place first. You can’t do that if you are making Keto bread every day or little Keto approved desserts all the time. Once in awhile is OK, but on a daily basis…no.
Fat Bombs? What’s That?
With all that said, you do want to make fat bombs. One of the hardest things, in my opinion, is getting enough fat in. This book, Sweet and Savory Fat Bombs, is definitely something you should pick up. It is full of all different types of fat bombs to help you find your Keto diet success! I make a chocolate sunbutter fat bomb that is absolutely delicious.
Sweet and Savory Fat Bombs: 100 Delicious Treats for Fat Fasts, Ketogenic, Paleo, and Low-Carb Diets
As always, I am an open book. If you have any questions about my experience with the Keto diet, just ask! I am happy to help. If I don’t have the exact answer, I will do my very best to find the answer for you or point you in the direction that you need to go to find that answer. Below you will find some essential items that I recommend you get to help you get started on your very own Keto diet success story! The two pack silicone molds are a really good price right now on Amazon!
Sweet and Savory Fat Bombs: 100 Delicious Treats for Fat Fasts, Ketogenic, Paleo, and Low-Carb DietsOzera 2 Pack Silicone Ice Cube Tray Molds Candy Mold Cake Mold Chocolate Mold, 15 Cavity, Blue
Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It
*This post may contain affiliate links*
I too was once a sugar addict! In my coffee and soda alone was insane. Now no soda and black coffee, I still have sugar but only natural. Good luck to you on your journey!! Its tough but soooo worth it 🙂
I really want to try keto diet after I have my baby. Im not a total sugar addict but my eating habits (and weight) can benefit from it.
Feel free to email me with any questions. I’m happy to help!