I was listening to the radio the other day and they were talking about a story in the U.P. Michigan where a 5th grade girl was kicked out of school for dying her hair pink. She was told that it was a distraction and that she cannot come back to school until her hair is back to a normal color. School officials made sure to tell the parents that she is not suspended. They are actually considering this like a case of head lice.
The radio station was asking listeners to call in and state whether they agreed with the school or not. I kind of see both sides of the issue. I am all for kids expressing their creativity and whatnot and while one side of me says that her pink hair is really not a big deal in the grand scheme of things and that the other children should learn to deal with it…I can also understand where it would cause problems in the classroom with people staring.
However, do I think that the school should be able to dictate what color your hair is? No…not unless it was already written up in the school dress code. Then right or wrong, it’s a rule…follow it. But in this situation, there was nothing in the dress code about hair color. So instead of ostracizing the girl, I would use it as a teachable moment for the other kids to learn some tolerance of other people and learn that not everyone is a like. What if a kid came into school with a big white streak down the center of their head…something they can’t help or change, but distracting nonetheless (or no more distracting than pink hair)…is that child going to be sent home until the parents buy him or her a wig? No of course not.
What are your thoughts?
Bloggymommy says
I think it’s rediculous! Kids are always going to stare at other kids whether it be b/c of their hair color or how pretty/ugly they are. KWIM? At least the kid is experimenting with hair color and not something else! Who cares what color her hair is? Not me. If it’s not in the dress code then she shouldn’t have to change it until they make it one the following year.
Noah's Mommy says
Good point…if there are no pre explained rules as to hair color….she wouldn’t have any idea it was wrong…I think they didn’t handle it correctly….hopefully it will be a learning experience for both…heck in highschool I had a kid who sat next to me with a huge bull ring in his nose….no one cared one whit about it….I think the teachers stare more than the kids….kids are exposed to much more diversity now…than ever….
Amanda says
If there’s not rule that says no pink hair, then pfffft on the school. It’ll only be a distraction for as long as they make a big deal out of it. If they would’ve left her alone, I’m sure the other kids would’ve made comments for a day or 2 and that would have been that. Then someone else would’ve done something to talk about. That’s how school works. They’ve obviously forgotten how 5th grade works.
Cat@3KidsandUs says
I tend to side with the school. Of course I’m also highly in favor of uniforms in public schools. Schools are not the place to express your personal style, it’s a place to learn.
Maria M (Conversations with Moms) says
This is a tough one but in the end, the child should be allowed to express herself. Her choice of expression does no harm to anyone else. I think what the school did to her is worse.
Now the message is, “you can be yourself as long as you conform to rules. As long as you look like everyone else.”
Charming Lamb says
This is one of those situations where an elementary school didn’t think they needed to put this in their rules. You are more likely to find it in junior high or high school.
They have failed to realize that kids are doing things younger and younger and parents are MUCH more liberal than they should be!
Destiney says
I’m in 6th grade and have red hair, i love to express myself, i mean who doesn’t? When I heard this, i thought jealousy!!! Seriously, They need to ruin their own life not someone else’s life!!!