I was sitting in a doctors office waiting room recently and I overheard two women talking about bullying and how they think that bullying has changed dramatically over the years with the start of Myspace, Facebook, instant messaging, etc. I would have to agree. Their conversation was very interesting to (eavesdrop) listen to. However, while I think they got it right as to reasons why bullying has evolved, they were wrong that it stops at High School age children.
Being apart of a lot of online communities, I see “bullying” or what I like to call mob mentality, on adult message boards as well. The different online communities that I am apart of and have been apart of in the past, have all been women (for the most part) over the age of 18 and I would have to say that the bullying that goes on if you are not part of the “in group” is almost worse than what I witnessed in High School or even Middle School.
Thats really sad to me, especially since the communities online that I am and have been apart of, are primarily mom groups. If grown women can treat each other this way, what the heck are they teaching their children? It’s not like they can be mean and nasty online and then turn off that behavior around their children. At least not completely. It would be interesting to me to sit and watch some of the kids of the people who bully online to see if their kids display some bullying behaviors at school.
But back to the conversation I was listening to…it was heartbreaking to hear what this one woman’s child was enduring online. Her daughter, who is a freshman in high school, went on a date with a senior (yes a senior…I know I know…what was the parent thinking allowing that?) and because the daughter wouldn’t “put out” he started telling all of his friends that she is a lesbian. Apparently she is getting all kinds of instant messages from people asking her if she is a lesbian, etc. That was pretty much all I heard on the situation since I was called back for my appointment. But how sad for that girl.
Aside from having more parental supervision on computers, I really don’t know how cyber bullying could stop. Can’t we all just get along?
No, we cant. WOmen are bitches. Im sorry, its true, and I have been in online communities for about 4 years now and EVERY board has them. Atleast every mothering board.
People who want to gossip all day do NOT interest me in the slightest. It just means they are so boring they have nothing better to talk about or do.
I find it so pathetic that its laughable. Once you realize how funny it is, your perspective changes.
Definitely laugh AT them.
Oh, and those of you that are bullies, please prove my point by going to talk trash. HAHHAHA
I agree Trisha. Basically there are four choices on a message board…
1. Join in on the bullying
2. Laugh at the bullies
3. Take it and just keep going back no matter what
4. Leave the board
For the longest time, I just kept going back to the same board even though I got flack quite often. But I’ve decided that that is not the kind of people I want to be around so I left those particular boards.
But yea, women are bitches lol I will totally agree and admit that I am and have been a bitch myself lol
It’s amazing to me how childish people act. I just want to scream “Grow Up”!
And you are so right after witnessing it, I now know why some kids are bullies. They learn it from their parents.
People are just mean now. I try to teach my kids that everyone is different and it’s ok. I’ve tried to teach them that if they see someone being picked on to either stick up for that person or tell an adult, just be that persons friend. That’s a hard one too because I dont want them to be pushed around or bullied either for being strong and responsible. Poor kids they have such hard choices now days.
This is a topic that really gets to me. Bullying is wrong! Period. People need to learn to agree to disagree and let things slide. Everyone takes everything so personally and there’s no need for it. Get along, grow up, set an example and get a grip! Goodness gracious! And we wonder why our world is the way it is. What are we teaching our children by acting like we’re 13 for the rest of our lives?
it seriously makes me sick to think about what my sweet children might one day endure. and i pray that i teach them well enough that they are not on the bullying end either…..