Do you ever get such an overwhelming feeling when you think about your dream or dreams that you wonder if you will ever accomplish them? What prompted me to write this is I just finished reading a blog post on my friends site, My ‘M’ Spot (who also happens to be my cousin in-law!!) and I couldn’t help but think about my number one dream.
For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to be an author. When I was younger, I used to write story after story about Harry the Hippo. It was “Harry the Hippo and the Surprise Party”; “Harry the Hippo and the Trip to the Zoo”; etc. As I got older I started to really think about what I wanted. And what I want is to write…which seems easy enough right? But with as hectic as my life is, I never seem to get the time to just sit down and write. I keep telling myself, “pretty soon the kids will be in school. Then I can write”.
But you know what would totally make my pipe dream come true? To live in a house overlooking water and have an office with a window of that gorgeous view where I can sit and write, open the window and listen to the water and smell the water, and even sit out on my balcony and write. Yea my office will have it’s own balcony.
So…hopefully, one of these days, I can achieve part of my pipe dream. I doubt the house overlooking water will ever happen. I mean the likely hood of us moving from where we are at is pretty slim to none…but something is better than nothing I suppose.
I saw you at My.M.’s, and I had to check out your blog.
I’ve made the transition from mom with young kids to mom with kids in school all day so I have more time to write. We just get into different phases in life and for you, it’s raising young children, and if you can write on the side, that’ll be icing on the cake. But I know how hard that is; how rewarding but at the same time draining on the creativity.
If you can’t have your inspirational home by the sea, you can maybe put up a photo or painting that gives you that feeling when you are writing. I am from the Philippines originally so I miss the ocean like crazy. Beside my writing desk I have a poster of a Caribbean beach.
Sorry for such the long post, but I just thought I’d share because I know how it is to have that dream and wondering if I will ever make it there.
Good luck. You CAN do it!
Wonderful Pipe Dream. 🙂 I hope you can achieve(sp)(LOL) it someday.
Thanks! I appreciate the kind comments. One of these days, I will achieve that goal.