and I am DONE! Finally caught up. No I did not do 21 loads at home. Is that even possible in one day? I guess if you stay on top of it, but that is something I have a problem with. So today I decided to take my bazillion bags of laundry over to the laundry mat and stay there until I am done.
21…yes you read that right…21 loads later and I was finally done. I literally took over that entire place. I probably pissed off some people, but oh well. Last time I checked, laundry mats are a first come first serve type place. So stick that in your juice box and suck it lady who gave me a dirty look because I took a washer that obviously had your name on it.
I won’t even tell you how much it cost me at the laundry mat. Definitely not my most Domestic Goddess like shining moment. But all that matters is now I am caught up and hopefully I can stay that way. No wait…I will stay that way.
Cena told me that she does a load of laundry every day. I’m not sure if that would work for me. I am one of those “have to fill the washer” kind of people. Not to be mistaken with the “10 for $10 people”…just because it says 10 for $10, doesn’t mean you HAVE to buy 10. Ok so I guess my need to fill the washer is similar to the 10 for $10. But don’t tell my husband about that.
One piece of advice for anyone who is behind in there laundry and decides to go to the laundry mat or those that need to use it for one reason or another, do not take kids there. Climbing into the cart and pushing each other around the place…not allowed.
There was one funny thing that happened there. The cute, little Oriental* woman that ran the place was getting visibly upset watching me fold clothes. I thought her eyeballs were going to pop out of her head when she saw me fold a shirt inside out. But hey, I’m sorry but when the culprit is a grown man, maybe if he is forced to turn the shirt right side out, he’ll learn to put it in the dirty clothes right side out. One can wish.
*It has been brought to my attention that the use of the word “oriental” is inappropriate. After looking it up, I should have used the word Asian instead. I am sorry if I offended anyone.
Anonymous– obviously I did not mean that in a rude way. I did not realize that “oriental” was not a pc term. I looked it up and see why it could be offensive to some Asian people.
Sorry if that offended you. Not my intent, though I think that is apparent by the other words used in that sentence.
Thank you for bringing that to my attention so I could look up the correct pc term.
Leah, it seems like “Anonymous” is just trying to stir up drama. They didn’t even have the courage leave their name. Now did they taket he time to explain why there is anything wrong with the word. I think it was very kind of you to offer an apology and amend your post, but I can’t see how you did anything wrong. There is definitely nothing in your post to make it seem like “Oriental” was used derogatory or negative in any manor.
21???!!! OMG how funny. I have been there before. That moment when you look at your laundry room and you cant see it! With 3 kids and a husband that wears at least 2 different outfits a day I have to keep up or I would end up in your situation! Some days I dont even bother seperating them, I just throw them all in the washer and say screw it. They got clean!
21 loads of laundry. Hopefully you brought lots of entertainment. I use to have to go to a laundromat but am thankful for my own washer and dryer now.
Thanks Christy…”anonymous” is a joke. It also left comments that I rejected, b ecause whats the point of posting them, correcting me that it is called a laundromat (eyeroll) and that I need a dose of reality because I was 21 loads behind for no good reason and that if I can watch reality shows in the evening I can do the laundry.
Whatever. Yes I can…yes I have been tired the past few weeks being a single mom while hubby has been out of town, but you know, “anonymous” has all the answers. Except the ability to leave her name and own up to what she says. lmao.
I know how you feel… I get behind on laundry too. We are moms and the most imporant thing is that our children are loved!