Back in the summer I told my mom that I was hosting Thanksgiving this year. Since the day I told her, I’ve been super excited. Sure I’ve had many events at my house and have had to cook for a lot of people, but it’s always been easy meals like spaghetti and meatballs or a BBQ…this was the real deal. I had to figure out how to cook everything and the whole timing of it all. Being the kid of person I am, I also wanted to do something unique with our turkey rather than the same old thing. So we BBQ’d our turkey…Beer Butt style!
To prep the turkey, you need to first remove the giblet bag and the neck. I recommend just tossing them out (unless you like to eat them…blech, they make me gag personally)…or you can do what my husband did and take the heart, place it between two fingers and rapidly pinch it while yelling “come back to me. Come on, you can do it“! Then rinse the turkey in cold water. Now your turkey is ready to be seasoned!
Take onion wedges and shove it into the neck of the turkey. This allows the heat and moisture to stay inside the turkey, and results in a super moist and flavorful turkey! Once the onions are in place, pin the flap of skin over the onions and securing with toothpicks. I recommend not using the colored toothpicks…you end up with streaks of color on your turkey.
Now take a stick of real butter and rub it ALL over the turkey. You don’t need a whole stick for this, but don’t discard the butter just yet, you’ll be using it on the bird a tad later. Once covered in butter, start applying the seasoning. You can use whichever seasoning you prefer, we like the Mrs. Dash Chicken seasoning. You need to use a lot of seasoning.
Now it’s time to take your turkey to the grill and shove a beer can up its butt. Today we used Labette Blue Light with Lime. Pour about a 1/4 of the beer out (or drink it like we did) and add a dash of salt, pepper and minced garlic (the beer will foam after adding the garlic…not sure why).
This past summer we bought beer can stand at Target. Simply put the beer can in the stand, stick it up your turkey or chicken’s behind and you’re good to go! Because the turkey would take about 4 hours to grill, we covered it with foil so it would not burn. Every 30 minutes or so, my husband would go outside and rotate the turkey 180 degrees for the first two hours. For the last two hours he would rotate the turkey a 1/4 turn every 20 minutes. Each time you rotate the turkey, rub a little butter on the skin.
This turkey was about 14lbs and it took just under 4 hours too cook on the BBQ. Here is a picture of the turkey after it was completely cooked…look at that golden color:
Doesn’t it look absolutely delicious?!?
Carve like normal and enjoy the best turkey you’v ever had!
Have you ever made a Beer Can Turkery or Chicken before? What is your favorite kind of beer and seasonings to use?
We love beer can chicken here – never thought of doing a turkey! YUM!
OMGosh it’s so good! The turkey was tender and juicy! So good!
Wow that turkey looks awesome! Roll on christmas dinner!
I host Thanksgiving at my house every year. We always deep-fry our turkey. It frees up my ovens and doesn’t take as long to cook. Your way looks like a great way to cook a turkey too. Looks golden brown and delicious!
I’ve heard of beer can chickens but never a turkey. It looks like it turned out well, I think my husband woiuld enjoy it.
I pour a can of beer over my turkey and learned that from my MIL years ago. It makes the turkey SO moist and delicious.
It would never even occur to me to make turkey on the grill. This weekend I cooked one in my convection oven! Yum
Oooh now I am craving for some turkey! That looks so delicious and juicy. Too bad it is a bit hard to find turkey here and if I could find them they’re so expensive.
Where might that be Maureen? Outside the USA, I am guessing? Thanksgiving is a holiday for all, Football (Detroit), Beer, Turkey, and the plethora of food and friendly voices! NO GIFTS TO WORRY ABOUT!! Just Food and Fellowship like the old schoolers at Plymouth Rock Party #1. My wish is for the Human Family to respect one another over the Globe and for the USA I pray that
all our citizens of every color, creed, religion and background can see the TRUTH. One Team.USA.Purple Team!! We are United in our common constant goal……FREEDOM!!
I hope everyone has a Great Thanksgiving! -Invite someone without to share with you.
UNITE — PURPLE — 1 FAMILY (The People have the power and the right)
1776 Docs–
-That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on …
Oh yum, I would so try it this way. It sounds delicious. Your turkey does look amazing!
I don’t know if I’d had a turkey cooked in this way before. I’ve eaten a lot of turkey’s others have made. I’ve not tried this myself but am interested in seeing how juicy and tasty it is cooked this way.
Always interesting to read how people fix their turkeys. Everyone seems to have their favorite method. Trying out different ones is fun but not when I have to serve a crowd.
Ohh dear! It really looks very delicious! Looking at the pictures makes me drool over it and wish I have this in real life now. WOW!
We just had beer can chicken last night for dinner. But I never thought of doing a turkey. I always assumed it would just be too big.
I have never made beer chicken or beer turkey but this sounds delicious. I bet the beer gives a great flavor to the meat.
Oh now this sounds good – what a delicious sounding idea for a different way to cook a turkey!
I never heard of doing this with turkey! We’ve done it with chicken and it was tender. Will give this a try too.
I love beer can chicken but never thought about beer can turkey. That sounds like a delicious thanksgiving entree.
I’m sure this was really good and tender! I can only imagine how good it tasted. Looks delicious!
Oh yum! It sounds like this new method really did the trick. We haven’t tried cooking a turkey this way.
MY sister-in-law would love this. She love to make beer butt chicken so she’s be excited to do it with turkey. I have never hosted a Thanksgiving party for a big crowd.
I ‘ve never tried making turkey of chicken this way but I sure would love to try. I will start with chicken first and once I have perfected the process, I will move on to making beer turkey. Thanks for the sharing the process. I am sure you will wow your guests at Thanksgiving!
Now that sounds like a delicious way to prepare a turkey. Sounds like the way I would like to do it! ha!